Coronagraph Optimization For Fast Exoplanet Exploration
fft.h File Reference

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void __attribute__ ((constructor)) libinit_fft()
int_fast8_t init_fft ()
int import_wisdom ()
int fft_setoffsets (long o1, long o2)
int_fast8_t init_fftw_plans (int mode)
int_fast8_t init_fftw_plans0 ()
int export_wisdom ()
int permut (const char *ID_name)
long do1dfft (const char *in_name, const char *out_name)
long do1drfft (const char *in_name, const char *out_name)
long do1dffti (const char *in_name, const char *out_name)
long do2dfft (const char *in_name, const char *out_name)
long do2dffti (const char *in_name, const char *out_name)
int pupfft (const char *ID_name_ampl, const char *ID_name_pha, const char *ID_name_ampl_out, const char *ID_name_pha_out, const char *options)
long do2drfft (const char *in_name, const char *out_name)
long do2drffti (const char *in_name, const char *out_name)
long fft_correlation (const char *ID_name1, const char *ID_name2, const char *ID_nameout)
int autocorrelation (const char *ID_name, const char *ID_out)
int fftzoom (const char *ID_name, const char *ID_out, long factor)
int fftczoom (const char *ID_name, const char *ID_out, long factor)
int test_fftspeed (int nmax)
 Test FFT speed (fftw) More...
long fft_DFT (const char *IDin_name, const char *IDinmask_name, const char *IDout_name, const char *IDoutmask_name, double Zfactor, int dir, long kin)
long fft_DFTinsertFPM (const char *pupin_name, const char *fpmz_name, double zfactor, const char *pupout_name)
 Use DFT to insert Focal Plane Mask. More...
long fft_DFTinsertFPM_re (const char *pupin_name, const char *fpmz_name, double zfactor, const char *pupout_name)
int fft_image_translate (const char *ID_name, const char *ID_out, double xtransl, double ytransl)

Function Documentation

void __attribute__ ( (constructor)  )
int autocorrelation ( const char *  ID_name,
const char *  ID_out 
long do1dfft ( const char *  in_name,
const char *  out_name 
long do1dffti ( const char *  in_name,
const char *  out_name 
long do1drfft ( const char *  in_name,
const char *  out_name 
long do2dfft ( const char *  in_name,
const char *  out_name 
long do2dffti ( const char *  in_name,
const char *  out_name 
long do2drfft ( const char *  in_name,
const char *  out_name 
long do2drffti ( const char *  in_name,
const char *  out_name 
int export_wisdom ( )
long fft_correlation ( const char *  ID_name1,
const char *  ID_name2,
const char *  ID_nameout 
long fft_DFT ( const char *  IDin_name,
const char *  IDinmask_name,
const char *  IDout_name,
const char *  IDoutmask_name,
double  Zfactor,
int  dir,
long  kin 
long fft_DFTinsertFPM ( const char *  pupin_name,
const char *  fpmz_name,
double  zfactor,
const char *  pupout_name 

Use DFT to insert Focal Plane Mask.

Pupil convolution by complex focal plane mask of limited support typically used with fpmz = zoomed copy of 1-fpm

High resolution focal plane mask using DFT

Forces computation over pixels >0.5 in _DFTmask00 if it exists

This internal test could crash the process as multiple write operations to the same filename may occurr: leave option OFF for production
long fft_DFTinsertFPM_re ( const char *  pupin_name,
const char *  fpmz_name,
double  zfactor,
const char *  pupout_name 
int fft_image_translate ( const char *  ID_name,
const char *  ID_out,
double  xtransl,
double  ytransl 
int fft_setoffsets ( long  o1,
long  o2 
int fftczoom ( const char *  ID_name,
const char *  ID_out,
long  factor 
int fftzoom ( const char *  ID_name,
const char *  ID_out,
long  factor 
int import_wisdom ( )
int_fast8_t init_fft ( )
int_fast8_t init_fftw_plans ( int  mode)
int_fast8_t init_fftw_plans0 ( )
int permut ( const char *  ID_name)
int pupfft ( const char *  ID_name_ampl,
const char *  ID_name_pha,
const char *  ID_name_ampl_out,
const char *  ID_name_pha_out,
const char *  options 
int test_fftspeed ( int  nmax)

Test FFT speed (fftw)