Coronagraph Optimization For Fast Exoplanet Exploration
COREMOD_arith.h File Reference

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void __attribute__ ((constructor)) libinit_COREMOD_arith()
int init_COREMOD_arith ()
long arith_set_pixel (const char *ID_name, double value, long x, long y)
long arith_set_pixel_1Drange (const char *ID_name, double value, long x, long y)
long arith_set_row (const char *ID_name, double value, long y)
long arith_set_col (const char *ID_name, double value, long x)
long arith_image_zero (const char *ID_name)
int arith_image_crop (const char *ID_name, const char *ID_out, long *start, long *end, long cropdim)
int arith_image_extract2D (const char *in_name, const char *out_name, long size_x, long size_y, long xstart, long ystart)
int arith_image_extract3D (const char *in_name, const char *out_name, long size_x, long size_y, long size_z, long xstart, long ystart, long zstart)
long arith_image_merge3D (const char *ID_name1, const char *ID_name2, const char *IDout_name)
double arith_image_total (const char *ID_name)
double arith_image_mean (const char *ID_name)
double arith_image_min (const char *ID_name)
double arith_image_max (const char *ID_name)
double arith_image_percentile (const char *ID_name, double fraction)
double arith_image_median (const char *ID_name)
long arith_image_dx (const char *ID_name, const char *IDout_name)
long arith_image_dy (const char *ID_name, const char *IDout_name)
int arith_image_acos_byID (long ID, long IDout)
int arith_image_asin_byID (long ID, long IDout)
int arith_image_atan_byID (long ID, long IDout)
int arith_image_ceil_byID (long ID_name, long IDout)
int arith_image_cos_byID (long ID, long IDout)
int arith_image_cosh_byID (long ID, long IDout)
int arith_image_exp_byID (long ID, long IDout)
int arith_image_fabs_byID (long ID, long IDout)
int arith_image_floor_byID (long ID, long IDout)
int arith_image_ln_byID (long ID, long IDout)
int arith_image_log_byID (long ID, long IDout)
int arith_image_sqrt_byID (long ID, long IDout)
int arith_image_sin_byID (long ID, long IDout)
int arith_image_sinh_byID (long ID, long IDout)
int arith_image_tan_byID (long ID, long IDout)
int arith_image_tanh_byID (long ID, long IDout)
int arith_image_acos (const char *ID_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_asin (const char *ID_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_atan (const char *ID_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_ceil (const char *ID_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_cos (const char *ID_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_cosh (const char *ID_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_exp (const char *ID_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_fabs (const char *ID_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_floor (const char *ID_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_ln (const char *ID_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_log (const char *ID_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_sqrt (const char *ID_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_sin (const char *ID_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_sinh (const char *ID_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_tan (const char *ID_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_tanh (const char *ID_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_acos_inplace_byID (long ID)
int arith_image_asin_inplace_byID (long ID)
int arith_image_atan_inplace_byID (long ID)
int arith_image_ceil_inplace_byID (long ID)
int arith_image_cos_inplace_byID (long ID)
int arith_image_cosh_inplace_byID (long ID)
int arith_image_exp_inplace_byID (long ID)
int arith_image_fabs_inplace_byID (long ID)
int arith_image_floor_inplace_byID (long ID)
int arith_image_ln_inplace_byID (long ID)
int arith_image_log_inplace_byID (long ID)
int arith_image_sqrt_inplace_byID (long ID)
int arith_image_sin_inplace_byID (long ID)
int arith_image_sinh_inplace_byID (long ID)
int arith_image_tan_inplace_byID (long ID)
int arith_image_tanh_inplace_byID (long ID)
int arith_image_acos_inplace (const char *ID_name)
int arith_image_asin_inplace (const char *ID_name)
int arith_image_atan_inplace (const char *ID_name)
int arith_image_ceil_inplace (const char *ID_name)
int arith_image_cos_inplace (const char *ID_name)
int arith_image_cosh_inplace (const char *ID_name)
int arith_image_exp_inplace (const char *ID_name)
int arith_image_fabs_inplace (const char *ID_name)
int arith_image_floor_inplace (const char *ID_name)
int arith_image_ln_inplace (const char *ID_name)
int arith_image_log_inplace (const char *ID_name)
int arith_image_sqrt_inplace (const char *ID_name)
int arith_image_sin_inplace (const char *ID_name)
int arith_image_sinh_inplace (const char *ID_name)
int arith_image_tan_inplace (const char *ID_name)
int arith_image_tanh_inplace (const char *ID_name)
double Ppositive (double a)
double Ptrunc (double a, double b, double c)
int arith_image_function_im_im__d_d (const char *ID_name, const char *ID_out, double(*pt2function)(double))
int arith_image_function_imd_im__dd_d (const char *ID_name, double v0, const char *ID_out, double(*pt2function)(double, double))
int arith_image_function_imdd_im__ddd_d (const char *ID_name, double v0, double v1, const char *ID_out, double(*pt2function)(double, double, double))
int arith_image_fmod_byID (long ID1, long ID2, long IDout)
int arith_image_pow_byID (long ID1, long ID2, const char *IDout)
int arith_image_add_byID (long ID1, long ID2, long IDout)
int arith_image_sub_byID (long ID1, long ID2, long IDout)
int arith_image_mult_byID (long ID1, long ID2, long IDout)
int arith_image_div_byID (long ID1, long ID2, long IDout)
int arith_image_minv_byID (long ID1, long ID2, long IDout)
int arith_image_maxv_byID (long ID1, long ID2, long IDout)
int arith_image_fmod (const char *ID1_name, const char *ID2_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_pow (const char *ID1_name, const char *ID2_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_add (const char *ID1_name, const char *ID2_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_sub (const char *ID1_name, const char *ID2_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_mult (const char *ID1_name, const char *ID2_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_div (const char *ID1_name, const char *ID2_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_minv (const char *ID1_name, const char *ID2_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_maxv (const char *ID1_name, const char *ID2_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_fmod_inplace_byID (long ID1, long ID2)
int arith_image_pow_inplace_byID (long ID1, long ID2)
int arith_image_add_inplace_byID (long ID1, long ID2)
int arith_image_sub_inplace_byID (long ID1, long ID2)
int arith_image_mult_inplace_byID (long ID1, long ID2)
int arith_image_div_inplace_byID (long ID1, long ID2)
int arith_image_minv_inplace_byID (long ID1, long ID2)
int arith_image_maxv_inplace_byID (long ID1, long ID2)
int arith_image_fmod_inplace (const char *ID1_name, const char *ID2_name)
int arith_image_pow_inplace (const char *ID1_name, const char *ID2_name)
int arith_image_add_inplace (const char *ID1_name, const char *ID2_name)
int arith_image_sub_inplace (const char *ID1_name, const char *ID2_name)
int arith_image_mult_inplace (const char *ID1_name, const char *ID2_name)
int arith_image_div_inplace (const char *ID1_name, const char *ID2_name)
int arith_image_minv_inplace (const char *ID1_name, const char *ID2_name)
int arith_image_maxv_inplace (const char *ID1_name, const char *ID2_name)
int arith_image_Cadd_byID (long ID1, long ID2, long IDout)
int arith_image_Csub_byID (long ID1, long ID2, long IDout)
int arith_image_Cmult_byID (long ID1, long ID2, long IDout)
int arith_image_Cdiv_byID (long ID1, long ID2, long IDout)
int arith_image_Cadd (const char *ID1_name, const char *ID2_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_Csub (const char *ID1_name, const char *ID2_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_Cmult (const char *ID1_name, const char *ID2_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_Cdiv (const char *ID1_name, const char *ID2_name, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_cstfmod_byID (long ID, double f1, long IDout)
int arith_image_cstadd_byID (long ID, double f1, long IDout)
int arith_image_cstsub_byID (long ID, double f1, long IDout)
int arith_image_cstsubm_byID (long ID, double f1, long IDout)
int arith_image_cstmult_byID (long ID, double f1, long IDout)
int arith_image_cstdiv_byID (long ID, double f1, long IDout)
int arith_image_cstpow_byID (long ID, double f1, long IDout)
int arith_image_cstmaxv_byID (long ID, double f1, long IDout)
int arith_image_cstminv_byID (long ID, double f1, long IDout)
int arith_image_cstfmod (const char *ID_name, double f1, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_cstadd (const char *ID_name, double f1, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_cstsub (const char *ID_name, double f1, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_cstsubm (const char *ID_name, double f1, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_cstmult (const char *ID_name, double f1, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_cstdiv (const char *ID_name, double f1, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_cstpow (const char *ID_name, double f1, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_cstmaxv (const char *ID_name, double f1, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_cstminv (const char *ID_name, double f1, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_cstfmod_inplace_byID (long ID, double f1)
int arith_image_cstadd_inplace_byID (long ID, double f1)
int arith_image_cstsub_inplace_byID (long ID, double f1)
int arith_image_cstmult_inplace_byID (long ID, double f1)
int arith_image_cstdiv_inplace_byID (long ID, double f1)
int arith_image_cstpow_inplace_byID (long ID, double f1)
int arith_image_cstmaxv_inplace_byID (long ID, double f1)
int arith_image_cstminv_inplace_byID (long ID, double f1)
int arith_image_cstfmod_inplace (const char *ID_name, double f1)
int arith_image_cstadd_inplace (const char *ID_name, double f1)
int arith_image_cstsub_inplace (const char *ID_name, double f1)
int arith_image_cstmult_inplace (const char *ID_name, double f1)
int arith_image_cstdiv_inplace (const char *ID_name, double f1)
int arith_image_cstpow_inplace (const char *ID_name, double f1)
int arith_image_cstmaxv_inplace (const char *ID_name, double f1)
int arith_image_cstminv_inplace (const char *ID_name, double f1)
int arith_image_trunc_byID (long ID, double f1, double f2, long IDout)
int arith_image_trunc_inplace_byID (long IDname, double f1, double f2)
int arith_image_trunc (const char *ID_name, double f1, double f2, const char *ID_out)
int arith_image_trunc_inplace (const char *ID_name, double f1, double f2)
long arith_make_slopexy (const char *ID_name, long l1, long l2, double sx, double sy)
int execute_arith (const char *cmd)

Function Documentation

void __attribute__ ( (constructor)  )
int arith_image_acos ( const char *  ID_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_acos_byID ( long  ID,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_acos_inplace ( const char *  ID_name)
int arith_image_acos_inplace_byID ( long  ID)
int arith_image_add ( const char *  ID1_name,
const char *  ID2_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_add_byID ( long  ID1,
long  ID2,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_add_inplace ( const char *  ID1_name,
const char *  ID2_name 
int arith_image_add_inplace_byID ( long  ID1,
long  ID2 
int arith_image_asin ( const char *  ID_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_asin_byID ( long  ID,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_asin_inplace ( const char *  ID_name)
int arith_image_asin_inplace_byID ( long  ID)
int arith_image_atan ( const char *  ID_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_atan_byID ( long  ID,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_atan_inplace ( const char *  ID_name)
int arith_image_atan_inplace_byID ( long  ID)
int arith_image_Cadd ( const char *  ID1_name,
const char *  ID2_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_Cadd_byID ( long  ID1,
long  ID2,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_Cdiv ( const char *  ID1_name,
const char *  ID2_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_Cdiv_byID ( long  ID1,
long  ID2,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_ceil ( const char *  ID_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_ceil_byID ( long  ID_name,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_ceil_inplace ( const char *  ID_name)
int arith_image_ceil_inplace_byID ( long  ID)
int arith_image_Cmult ( const char *  ID1_name,
const char *  ID2_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_Cmult_byID ( long  ID1,
long  ID2,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_cos ( const char *  ID_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_cos_byID ( long  ID,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_cos_inplace ( const char *  ID_name)
int arith_image_cos_inplace_byID ( long  ID)
int arith_image_cosh ( const char *  ID_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_cosh_byID ( long  ID,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_cosh_inplace ( const char *  ID_name)
int arith_image_cosh_inplace_byID ( long  ID)
int arith_image_crop ( const char *  ID_name,
const char *  ID_out,
long *  start,
long *  end,
long  cropdim 
int arith_image_cstadd ( const char *  ID_name,
double  f1,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_cstadd_byID ( long  ID,
double  f1,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_cstadd_inplace ( const char *  ID_name,
double  f1 
int arith_image_cstadd_inplace_byID ( long  ID,
double  f1 
int arith_image_cstdiv ( const char *  ID_name,
double  f1,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_cstdiv_byID ( long  ID,
double  f1,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_cstdiv_inplace ( const char *  ID_name,
double  f1 
int arith_image_cstdiv_inplace_byID ( long  ID,
double  f1 
int arith_image_cstfmod ( const char *  ID_name,
double  f1,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_cstfmod_byID ( long  ID,
double  f1,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_cstfmod_inplace ( const char *  ID_name,
double  f1 
int arith_image_cstfmod_inplace_byID ( long  ID,
double  f1 
int arith_image_cstmaxv ( const char *  ID_name,
double  f1,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_cstmaxv_byID ( long  ID,
double  f1,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_cstmaxv_inplace ( const char *  ID_name,
double  f1 
int arith_image_cstmaxv_inplace_byID ( long  ID,
double  f1 
int arith_image_cstminv ( const char *  ID_name,
double  f1,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_cstminv_byID ( long  ID,
double  f1,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_cstminv_inplace ( const char *  ID_name,
double  f1 
int arith_image_cstminv_inplace_byID ( long  ID,
double  f1 
int arith_image_cstmult ( const char *  ID_name,
double  f1,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_cstmult_byID ( long  ID,
double  f1,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_cstmult_inplace ( const char *  ID_name,
double  f1 
int arith_image_cstmult_inplace_byID ( long  ID,
double  f1 
int arith_image_cstpow ( const char *  ID_name,
double  f1,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_cstpow_byID ( long  ID,
double  f1,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_cstpow_inplace ( const char *  ID_name,
double  f1 
int arith_image_cstpow_inplace_byID ( long  ID,
double  f1 
int arith_image_cstsub ( const char *  ID_name,
double  f1,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_cstsub_byID ( long  ID,
double  f1,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_cstsub_inplace ( const char *  ID_name,
double  f1 
int arith_image_cstsub_inplace_byID ( long  ID,
double  f1 
int arith_image_cstsubm ( const char *  ID_name,
double  f1,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_cstsubm_byID ( long  ID,
double  f1,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_Csub ( const char *  ID1_name,
const char *  ID2_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_Csub_byID ( long  ID1,
long  ID2,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_div ( const char *  ID1_name,
const char *  ID2_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_div_byID ( long  ID1,
long  ID2,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_div_inplace ( const char *  ID1_name,
const char *  ID2_name 
int arith_image_div_inplace_byID ( long  ID1,
long  ID2 
long arith_image_dx ( const char *  ID_name,
const char *  IDout_name 
long arith_image_dy ( const char *  ID_name,
const char *  IDout_name 
int arith_image_exp ( const char *  ID_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_exp_byID ( long  ID,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_exp_inplace ( const char *  ID_name)
int arith_image_exp_inplace_byID ( long  ID)
int arith_image_extract2D ( const char *  in_name,
const char *  out_name,
long  size_x,
long  size_y,
long  xstart,
long  ystart 
int arith_image_extract3D ( const char *  in_name,
const char *  out_name,
long  size_x,
long  size_y,
long  size_z,
long  xstart,
long  ystart,
long  zstart 
int arith_image_fabs ( const char *  ID_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_fabs_byID ( long  ID,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_fabs_inplace ( const char *  ID_name)
int arith_image_fabs_inplace_byID ( long  ID)
int arith_image_floor ( const char *  ID_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_floor_byID ( long  ID,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_floor_inplace ( const char *  ID_name)
int arith_image_floor_inplace_byID ( long  ID)
int arith_image_fmod ( const char *  ID1_name,
const char *  ID2_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_fmod_byID ( long  ID1,
long  ID2,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_fmod_inplace ( const char *  ID1_name,
const char *  ID2_name 
int arith_image_fmod_inplace_byID ( long  ID1,
long  ID2 
int arith_image_function_im_im__d_d ( const char *  ID_name,
const char *  ID_out,
double(*)(double)  pt2function 
int arith_image_function_imd_im__dd_d ( const char *  ID_name,
double  v0,
const char *  ID_out,
double(*)(double, double)  pt2function 
int arith_image_function_imdd_im__ddd_d ( const char *  ID_name,
double  v0,
double  v1,
const char *  ID_out,
double(*)(double, double, double)  pt2function 
int arith_image_ln ( const char *  ID_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_ln_byID ( long  ID,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_ln_inplace ( const char *  ID_name)
int arith_image_ln_inplace_byID ( long  ID)
int arith_image_log ( const char *  ID_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_log_byID ( long  ID,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_log_inplace ( const char *  ID_name)
int arith_image_log_inplace_byID ( long  ID)
double arith_image_max ( const char *  ID_name)
int arith_image_maxv ( const char *  ID1_name,
const char *  ID2_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_maxv_byID ( long  ID1,
long  ID2,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_maxv_inplace ( const char *  ID1_name,
const char *  ID2_name 
int arith_image_maxv_inplace_byID ( long  ID1,
long  ID2 
double arith_image_mean ( const char *  ID_name)
double arith_image_median ( const char *  ID_name)
long arith_image_merge3D ( const char *  ID_name1,
const char *  ID_name2,
const char *  IDout_name 
double arith_image_min ( const char *  ID_name)
int arith_image_minv ( const char *  ID1_name,
const char *  ID2_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_minv_byID ( long  ID1,
long  ID2,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_minv_inplace ( const char *  ID1_name,
const char *  ID2_name 
int arith_image_minv_inplace_byID ( long  ID1,
long  ID2 
int arith_image_mult ( const char *  ID1_name,
const char *  ID2_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_mult_byID ( long  ID1,
long  ID2,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_mult_inplace ( const char *  ID1_name,
const char *  ID2_name 
int arith_image_mult_inplace_byID ( long  ID1,
long  ID2 
double arith_image_percentile ( const char *  ID_name,
double  fraction 
int arith_image_pow ( const char *  ID1_name,
const char *  ID2_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_pow_byID ( long  ID1,
long  ID2,
const char *  IDout 
int arith_image_pow_inplace ( const char *  ID1_name,
const char *  ID2_name 
int arith_image_pow_inplace_byID ( long  ID1,
long  ID2 
int arith_image_sin ( const char *  ID_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_sin_byID ( long  ID,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_sin_inplace ( const char *  ID_name)
int arith_image_sin_inplace_byID ( long  ID)
int arith_image_sinh ( const char *  ID_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_sinh_byID ( long  ID,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_sinh_inplace ( const char *  ID_name)
int arith_image_sinh_inplace_byID ( long  ID)
int arith_image_sqrt ( const char *  ID_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_sqrt_byID ( long  ID,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_sqrt_inplace ( const char *  ID_name)
int arith_image_sqrt_inplace_byID ( long  ID)
int arith_image_sub ( const char *  ID1_name,
const char *  ID2_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_sub_byID ( long  ID1,
long  ID2,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_sub_inplace ( const char *  ID1_name,
const char *  ID2_name 
int arith_image_sub_inplace_byID ( long  ID1,
long  ID2 
int arith_image_tan ( const char *  ID_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_tan_byID ( long  ID,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_tan_inplace ( const char *  ID_name)
int arith_image_tan_inplace_byID ( long  ID)
int arith_image_tanh ( const char *  ID_name,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_tanh_byID ( long  ID,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_tanh_inplace ( const char *  ID_name)
int arith_image_tanh_inplace_byID ( long  ID)
double arith_image_total ( const char *  ID_name)
int arith_image_trunc ( const char *  ID_name,
double  f1,
double  f2,
const char *  ID_out 
int arith_image_trunc_byID ( long  ID,
double  f1,
double  f2,
long  IDout 
int arith_image_trunc_inplace ( const char *  ID_name,
double  f1,
double  f2 
int arith_image_trunc_inplace_byID ( long  IDname,
double  f1,
double  f2 
long arith_image_zero ( const char *  ID_name)
long arith_make_slopexy ( const char *  ID_name,
long  l1,
long  l2,
double  sx,
double  sy 
long arith_set_col ( const char *  ID_name,
double  value,
long  x 
long arith_set_pixel ( const char *  ID_name,
double  value,
long  x,
long  y 
long arith_set_pixel_1Drange ( const char *  ID_name,
double  value,
long  x,
long  y 
long arith_set_row ( const char *  ID_name,
double  value,
long  y 
int execute_arith ( const char *  cmd)
int init_COREMOD_arith ( )
double Ppositive ( double  a)
double Ptrunc ( double  a,
double  b,
double  c 