Coronagraph Optimization For Fast Exoplanet Exploration
linARfilterPred.c File Reference

linear auto-regressive predictive filter More...


int clock_gettime (int clk_id, struct timespec *t)
int_fast8_t LINARFILTERPRED_LoadASCIIfiles_cli ()
int_fast8_t LINARFILTERPRED_SelectBlock_cli ()
int_fast8_t linARfilterPred_repeat_shift_X_cli ()
int_fast8_t LINARFILTERPRED_Build_LinPredictor_cli ()
int_fast8_t LINARFILTERPRED_Apply_LinPredictor_cli ()
int_fast8_t LINARFILTERPRED_ScanGain_cli ()
int_fast8_t LINARFILTERPRED_PF_updatePFmatrix_cli ()
int_fast8_t LINARFILTERPRED_PF_RealTimeApply_cli ()
void __attribute__ ((constructor))
int_fast8_t init_linARfilterPred ()
int NBwords (const char sentence[])
long LINARFILTERPRED_LoadASCIIfiles (double tstart, double dt, long NBpt, long NBfr, const char *IDoutname)
 load ascii file(s) into image cube More...
long LINARFILTERPRED_SelectBlock (const char *IDin_name, const char *IDblknb_name, long blkNB, const char *IDout_name)
long linARfilterPred_repeat_shift_X (const char *IDin_name, long NBstep, const char *IDout_name)
 Expand 2D image/matrix in X direction by repeat and shift. More...
long LINARFILTERPRED_Build_LinPredictor (const char *IDin_name, long PForder, float PFlag, double SVDeps, double RegLambda, const char *IDoutPF_name, int outMode, int LOOPmode, float LOOPgain, int testmode)
 Build predictive filter. More...
long LINARFILTERPRED_Apply_LinPredictor_RT (const char *IDfilt_name, const char *IDin_name, const char *IDout_name)
long LINARFILTERPRED_Apply_LinPredictor (const char *IDfilt_name, const char *IDin_name, float PFlag, const char *IDout_name)
long LINARFILTERPRED_PF_updatePFmatrix (const char *IDPF_name, const char *IDPFM_name, float alpha)
long LINARFILTERPRED_PF_RealTimeApply (const char *IDmodevalIN_name, long IndexOffset, int semtrig, const char *IDPFM_name, long NBPFstep, const char *IDPFout_name, int nbGPU, long loop, long NBiter, int SAVEMODE, float tlag, long PFindex)
float LINARFILTERPRED_ScanGain (char *IDin_name, float multfact, float framelag)

Detailed Description

linear auto-regressive predictive filter

Implements Empirical Orthogonal Functions

O. Guyon
7 Jul 2017
No known bugs.

Function Documentation

void __attribute__ ( (constructor)  )
int clock_gettime ( int  clk_id,
struct timespec *  t 
int_fast8_t init_linARfilterPred ( )
long LINARFILTERPRED_Apply_LinPredictor ( const char *  IDfilt_name,
const char *  IDin_name,
float  PFlag,
const char *  IDout_name 
int_fast8_t LINARFILTERPRED_Apply_LinPredictor_cli ( )
long LINARFILTERPRED_Apply_LinPredictor_RT ( const char *  IDfilt_name,
const char *  IDin_name,
const char *  IDout_name 
long LINARFILTERPRED_Build_LinPredictor ( const char *  IDin_name,
long  PForder,
float  PFlag,
double  SVDeps,
double  RegLambda,
const char *  IDoutPF_name,
int  outMode,
int  LOOPmode,
float  LOOPgain,
int  testmode 

Build predictive filter.


Build predictive filter from real-time AO telemetry


Optional input and output pixel masks select active input & output

Loop mode

If LOOPmode = 1, operate in a loop, and re-run filter computation everytime IDin_name changes

Input parameters: dynamic mode

if <IFoutPF_name>_PFparam image exist, read parameters from it: PFlag, SVDeps, RegLambda, LOOPgain create it in shared memory by default

If testmode=2, write 3D output filter
output filter image indentifier

Code Description

Reading Parameters from Image

If image named <IDoutPF_name>_PFparam exists, the predictive filter parameters are read from it instead of the function arguments.
This mode is particularly useful in LOOP mode if the user needs to change the parameters between LOOP iterations.

Selecting input values

The goal of this function is to build a linear link between input and output variables.
Input variables values are provided by the input telemetry image which is first read to measure dimensions, and allocate memory.
Note that an optional variable selection step allows only a subset of the telemetry variables to be considered.

Read input telemetry image IDin_name to measure xsize, ysize and number of samples

If 2D image:

  • xysize <- size[0] is number of variables
  • nbspl <- size[1] is number of samples

If 3D image

  • xysize <- size[0] * size[1] is number of variables
  • nbspl <- size[2] is number of samples

Once input telemetry size measured, arrays are created:

  • pixarray_x : x coordinate of each variable (useful to keep track of spatial coordinates)
  • pixarray_y : y coordinate of each variable (useful to keep track of spatial coordinates)
  • pixarray_xy : combined index (avoids re-computing index frequently)
  • ave_inarray : time averaged value, useful because the predictive filter often needs average to be zero, so we will remove it

Select input variables from mask (optional)

If image "inmask" exists, use it to select which variables are active. Otherwise, all variables are active
The number of active input variables is stored in NBpixin.

Selecting Output Variables

By default, the output variables are the same as the input variables, so the prediction is performed on the same variables as the input.
With inmask and outmask, input AND output variables can be selected amond the telemetry.

Arrays are created:

  • outpixarray_x : x coordinate of each output variable (useful to keep track of spatial coordinates)
  • outpixarray_y : y coordinate of each output variable (useful to keep track of spatial coordinates)
  • outpixarray_xy : combined output index (avoids re-computing index frequently)

Reading PFlag from image (optional)

PFlag_run needs to be read before entering the loop as some array sizes depend on its value.

Build Empty Data Matrix

Note: column / row description follows FITS file viewing conventions.
The data matrix is build from the telemetry. Each column (= time sample) of the data matrix consists of consecutives columns (= time sample) of the input telemetry.
Variable naming:

  • NBmvec is the number of telemetry vectors (each corresponding to a different time) in the data matrix.
  • mvecsize is the size of each vector, equal to NBpixin times PForder

Data matrix is stored as image of size NBmvec x mvecsize, to be fed to routine compute_SVDpseudoInverse in linopt_imtools (CPU mode) or in cudacomp (GPU mode)

Regularization can be added to penalize strong coefficients in the predictive filter. It is optionally implemented by adding extra columns at the end of the data matrix.

Data matrix conventions :

  • each column (ii = cst) is a measurement
  • m index is measurement
  • dt*NBpixin+pix index is pixel

Predictive Filter Computation


Prepare data matrix PFmatD

STEP: Read parameters from external image (optional)

STEP: In loop mode, wait for input data to arrive

STEP: Copy IDin to IDincp

Necessary as input may be continuously changing between consecutive loop iterations.

STEP: if DC_MODE==1, compute average value from each variable

STEP: Fill up data matrix PFmatD from input telemetry

STEP: Write regularization coefficients (optional)

Compute pseudo-inverse of PFmatD

STEP: Compute Pseudo-Inverse of PFmatD

If using MAGMA, call function CUDACOMP_magma_compute_SVDpseudoInverse()
Otherwise, call function linopt_compute_SVDpseudoInverse()

Result (pseudoinverse) is stored in image PFmatC

Assemble Predictive Filter


[in]IDin_nameInput telemetry, a 2D or 3D image
[in]PForderNumber of time steps in output filter
[in]PFlagTime lag between last measurement and prediction, unit: sampling period
[in]SVDepsSingular value cutoff limit. Ratio between strongest singular value and limit
[in]RegLambdaRegularization paramater
[in]IDoutPF_nameOutput predictive filter name
[in]outModeOutput mode. 0: do not write individual files, 1: write individual files (note: output filter cube is always written)
[in]LOOPmode1 if running in infinite loop waiting for input telemetry
[in]LOOPgainIf running in loop, mixing coefficient between previous and current filter
int_fast8_t LINARFILTERPRED_Build_LinPredictor_cli ( )
long LINARFILTERPRED_LoadASCIIfiles ( double  tstart,
double  dt,
long  NBpt,
long  NBfr,
const char *  IDoutname 

load ascii file(s) into image cube

resamples sequence(s) of data points INPUT FILES HAVE TO BE NAMED seq000.dat, seq001.dat etc...

file starts at tstart, sampling = dt NBpt per file NBfr files

int_fast8_t LINARFILTERPRED_LoadASCIIfiles_cli ( )
long LINARFILTERPRED_PF_RealTimeApply ( const char *  IDmodevalIN_name,
long  IndexOffset,
int  semtrig,
const char *  IDPFM_name,
long  NBPFstep,
const char *  IDPFout_name,
int  nbGPU,
long  loop,
long  NBiter,
float  tlag,
long  PFindex 

measure time

int_fast8_t LINARFILTERPRED_PF_RealTimeApply_cli ( )
long LINARFILTERPRED_PF_updatePFmatrix ( const char *  IDPF_name,
const char *  IDPFM_name,
float  alpha 
int_fast8_t LINARFILTERPRED_PF_updatePFmatrix_cli ( )
long linARfilterPred_repeat_shift_X ( const char *  IDin_name,
long  NBstep,
const char *  IDout_name 

Expand 2D image/matrix in X direction by repeat and shift.

int_fast8_t linARfilterPred_repeat_shift_X_cli ( )
float LINARFILTERPRED_ScanGain ( char *  IDin_name,
float  multfact,
float  framelag 
int_fast8_t LINARFILTERPRED_ScanGain_cli ( )
long LINARFILTERPRED_SelectBlock ( const char *  IDin_name,
const char *  IDblknb_name,
long  blkNB,
const char *  IDout_name 
int_fast8_t LINARFILTERPRED_SelectBlock_cli ( )
int NBwords ( const char  sentence[])