Coronagraph Optimization For Fast Exoplanet Exploration


Diffraction-based PIAACMC simulation / optimization

  • Uses Fresnel propagation engine ( OptSystProp.c OptSystProp.h ) between optical elements
  • Computes linear perturbations around current design for optimization
  • Automatically computes multiple Lyot stop to follow variable conjugation in different parts of the beam
  • Polychromatic propagations
  • Fits aspheric PIAA shapes on basis of radial cosines and 2-D Fourier modes


Scripts to run the software are located within the source code directory:


The scripts can be linked to your working directory by executing the following command:

ln -s $PWD/syncscripts /myworkdirectory/syncscripts

Then, execute in your work directory:


This will install all required scripts in workdirectory and install any packages required.

Code is composed of a several layers (from high to low) :

Script Description
runPIAACMCdesign Top level script ("-h" for help)
run Main script, calls runopt script
runopt Optimize a PIAACMC design or run an existing design, calls sim script
sim calls runPIAACMC script
runPIAACMC lower-level script calling C-written executable