Coronagraph Optimization For Fast Exoplanet Exploration
Design steps: Monochromatic design ( #step < 100 )


The design proceeds in discrete steps. The example scripts show the individual steps, and each step is executed with a separate command line.

Steps from 0 to 99 are executed sequentially to design a monochromatic PIAACMC. For these steps, the user may run multiple steps with a single command. For example, running step 18 will execute all steps from 0 to 17 included. If a step has already been completed, it will not be re-run.

The monochromatic PIAACMC design process is as follows:

  • design an idealized monochromatic PIAACMC for a centrally obscured aperture (steps 1-4)
  • modify the design for the pupil aperture (steps 5-)

STEP 000 (MODE=0): Create an idealized centrally obscured apodized PIAACMC monochromatic design

This is meant as a starting point for the PIAACMC, which will then be optimized further. This step takes a few minutes, and upon normal completion, displays:


The prolate function for a centrally obscured pupili is created, along with the idealized focal plane mask. The diffraction propagation code then computes complex amplitude in each plane.

This step takes a few minutes - most of the time is spent on iterations to compute the 2D apodization prolate function, executing discrete Fourier transforms (DFTs).

After this step, the contrast will likely be around 1e-7 to 1e-8. The next step to improve this nominal design is to find the optimal locations for the Lyot stops.

Output file Description
ref/Cmodes_1024.fits Cosine modes applied for PIAA optics shapes optimization
ref/Fmodes_1024.fits Fourier modes applied for PIAA optics shapes optimization
piaacmcconf_i000/APLCapo.<X>.<Y>.info Apodization function info
piaacmcconf_i000/WFamp0_xxx.fits Amplitude in plane xxx
piaacmcconf_i000/WFpha0_xxx.fits Phase in plane xxx
piaacmcconf_i000/conjugations.txt List of planes and conjugation distance to reference
piaacmcconf_i000/apo2Drad.fits Amplitude apodization (entirely allocated to PIAA optics)
piaacmcconf_i000/PIAA_Mshapes.txt Aspheric optics shapes (r0 z0 r1 z1), unit [m]
piaacmcconf_i000/piaam0z.fits First PIAA mirror sag [m]
piaacmcconf_i000/piaam1z.fits Second PIAA mirror sag [m]
piaacmcconf_i000/psfi0_step000.fits Coronagraphic PSF (flux normalized to total=1 without coronagraph)
log/varlog.txt List of coronagraph parameters

The conjugations.txt file should contain number, location and description of each plane:

1 00 0.000000 input pupil
2 01 0.000000 TT mirror
3 02 -1.102609 pupil plane apodizer
4 03 1.199997 PIAA optics 0
5 04 -1.102609 PIAA optics 1
6 05 -1.102609 opaque mask at PIAA elem 1
7 06 -1.102609 post focal plane mask pupil
8 07 0.000000 Lyot mask 0
9 08 0.000000 back end pupil stop (rad = 0.920000)

The complex amplitude for each of these planes (files WFamp0_xxx.fits) should show the pupil apodization and coronagraphic effect induced by the focal plane mask which moves light into the central obstruction.

Amplitude in each of the 9 planes

The script provides some approximate performance metrics upon normal exit:

1 TOTAL = 0.002426
2  FLUX 0 114332.0000 1.000000
3  FLUX 1 114332.0000 1.000000
4  FLUX 2 114331.9872 1.000000
5  FLUX 3 114331.9668 1.000000
6  FLUX 4 114331.9357 0.999999
7  FLUX 5 114331.8634 0.999999
8  FLUX 6 23794.1440 0.208114
9  FLUX 7 551.2827 0.004822
10  FLUX 8 277.3360 0.002426
11 COMPUTING UNRESOLVED SOURCE PSF -*- [0.000000 x 0.000000]
12 SCORINGTOTAL = 2436.000000 2436.000000
13 Peak constrast (rough estimate)= 26231.4 -> 2.00672e-06
14 optsyst[0].flux[0] = 114332
16 [0] Total light in scoring field = 8.58033e+06, peak PSF = -1, SCOTINGTOTAL = 2436 -> Average contrast = 2.69458e-07

Runtime 00:01:36 (size 1024)

STEP 001: Propagate solution and compute PSF

The previous solution is propagated. This should yield the same result as step 0.

Output file Description
piaacmcconf_i000/WFamp0_xxx.fits Amplitude in plane xxx
piaacmcconf_i000/WFpha0_xxx.fits Phase in plane xxx
piaacmcconf_i000/psfi0_step001.fits On-axis PSF
1 TOTAL = 0.002387
2  FLUX 0 114332.0000 1.000000
3  FLUX 1 114332.0000 1.000000
4  FLUX 2 114331.9872 1.000000
5  FLUX 3 114331.9668 1.000000
6  FLUX 4 114331.9356 0.999999
7  FLUX 5 114331.9105 0.999999
8  FLUX 6 23785.0351 0.208035
9  FLUX 7 544.8861 0.004766
10  FLUX 8 272.9253 0.002387
11 COMPUTING UNRESOLVED SOURCE PSF -*- [0.000000 x 0.000000]
12 SCORINGTOTAL = 2436.000000 2436.000000
13 Peak constrast (rough estimate)= 25740.7 -> 1.96918e-06
14 optsyst[0].flux[0] = 114332
16 [0] Total light in scoring field = 8.18737e+06, peak PSF = -1, SCOTINGTOTAL = 2436 -> Average contrast = 2.57118e-07
17 saving contrast value [2.57118e-07] -> piaacmcconf_i000/contrast_ptsrc_sm0_s0_l0565_sr10_nbr001_mr000_minsag-10000_maxsag010000_fpmreg001000_ssr00_ssm0_Mirror_wb01.txt

Runtime 00:00:07 (size 1024)

Runtime 00:00:– (size 2048)

STEP 002: Specify input pupil geometry

The pupil geometry is copied to file piaacmcconf_i000/pupa0_1024.fits

Runtime 00:00:00 (size 1024)

Runtime 00:00:– (size 2048)

STEP 003 (mode = 0): compute on-axis PSF for new pupil geometry

Same as step 1, but taking into account the pupil geometry. With spiders or gaps in the pupil, the contrast will not be as good.

Output file Description
piaacmcconf_i000/WFamp0_xxx.fits Amplitude in plane xxx
piaacmcconf_i000/WFpha0_xxx.fits Phase in plane xxx
piaacmcconf_i000/psfi0_step003.fits On-axis PSF
1 TOTAL = 0.140551
2  FLUX 0 103004.0000 1.000000
3  FLUX 1 103004.0000 1.000000
4  FLUX 2 103003.9828 1.000000
5  FLUX 3 103003.9639 1.000000
6  FLUX 4 103003.9359 0.999999
7  FLUX 5 103003.6175 0.999996
8  FLUX 6 27580.8543 0.267765
9  FLUX 7 15763.2885 0.153036
10  FLUX 8 14477.3372 0.140551
11 COMPUTING UNRESOLVED SOURCE PSF -*- [0.000000 x 0.000000]
12 SCORINGTOTAL = 2436.000000 2436.000000
13 Peak constrast (rough estimate)= 4.65338e+07 -> 0.00438592
14 optsyst[0].flux[0] = 103004
16 [0] Total light in scoring field = 3.77881e+09, peak PSF = -1, SCOTINGTOTAL = 2436 -> Average contrast = 0.000146207

Runtime 00:00:07 (size 1024)

Runtile 00:01:– (size 2048)

STEP 004 (mode = 5): Compute Lyot stops shapes and locations, 1st pass

For circular centrally obscured pupils, the default Lyot stops configuration consists of two stops: one that masks the outer part of the beam, and one that masks the central obstruction.

Fine optimization of the stops locations is done with a separate command. The optional lsoptrange value is the range (unit: m) for the mask position search.

When the optimization completes, the best solutions are listed:

1 BEST SOLUTION: 5.646381230377 / 12.274741805168 0.000000942068 / 0.000021030879 -> 0.700625751251 0.039432599420
2 BEST SOLUTION: 5.891876066481 / 12.274741805168 0.000000942068 / 0.000021030879 -> 0.700355617330 0.039385771373
3 BEST SOLUTION: 8.837814099721 / 12.274741805168 0.000001130481 / 0.000021030879 -> 0.721432709799 0.039346632150
4 BEST SOLUTION: 9.083308935825 / 12.274741805168 0.000001130481 / 0.000021030879 -> 0.716777237262 0.038827027960
5 BEST SOLUTION: 9.328803771928 / 12.274741805168 0.000001130481 / 0.000021030879 -> 0.712835211313 0.038398704677
6 BEST SOLUTION: 9.574298608031 / 12.274741805168 0.000001130481 / 0.000021030879 -> 0.708858067020 0.037977986529
7 BEST SOLUTION: 9.819793444135 / 12.274741805168 0.000001130481 / 0.000021030879 -> 0.705292934047 0.037609975658
8 BEST SOLUTION: 10.065288280238 / 12.274741805168 0.000001130481 / 0.000021030879 -> 0.701842146347 0.037262905586
9 BEST SOLUTION: 11.292762460755 / 12.274741805168 0.000001356577 / 0.000021030879 -> 0.703163640577 0.036896957877
10 BEST SOLUTION: 12.029246969065 / 12.274741805168 0.000001627893 / 0.000021030879 -> 0.701096376349 0.036559137596

The optimal Lyot stop(s) conjugation(s) is written in file piaacmcconf_i000/piaacmcparams_step004.conf

Runtime 00:53:49 (size 1024)

Runtime 04:24:– (size 2048)

STEP 005 (mode = 2): Optimize focal plane mask transmission, 1st pass

See source code in PIAACMCsimul_exec_optimize_fpmtransmission()

Optimizes the focal plane mask transmission. Results are written in file piaacmcconf_i000/result_fpmt.log

1 -0.05940301 3.24056e-05 0 0.3 0.1
2 +0.04059699 1.92755e-05 0 0.3 0.1
3 +0.14059699 9.55978e-06 0 0.3 0.1
4 +0.24059699 3.25834e-06 0 0.3 0.1
5 +0.34059699 3.71207e-07 0 0.3 0.1
6 +0.44059699 8.98387e-07 0 0.3 0.1
7 +0.54059699 4.83988e-06 0 0.3 0.1
9 +0.25059699 2.81598e-06 1 0.09 0.03
10 +0.28059699 1.69377e-06 1 0.09 0.03
11 +0.31059699 8.78845e-07 1 0.09 0.03
12 +0.34059699 3.71207e-07 1 0.09 0.03
13 +0.37059699 1.70859e-07 1 0.09 0.03
14 +0.40059699 2.77799e-07 1 0.09 0.03
15 +0.43059699 6.92026e-07 1 0.09 0.03
17 +0.34359699 3.37345e-07 2 0.027 0.009
18 +0.35259699 2.54193e-07 2 0.027 0.009
19 +0.36159699 1.98699e-07 2 0.027 0.009
20 +0.37059699 1.70859e-07 2 0.027 0.009
21 +0.37959699 1.70676e-07 2 0.027 0.009
22 +0.38859699 1.98148e-07 2 0.027 0.009
23 +0.39759699 2.53276e-07 2 0.027 0.009
25 +0.37149699 1.69596e-07 3 0.0081 0.0027
26 +0.37419699 1.67467e-07 3 0.0081 0.0027
27 +0.37689699 1.67827e-07 3 0.0081 0.0027
28 +0.37959699 1.70676e-07 3 0.0081 0.0027
29 +0.38229699 1.76014e-07 3 0.0081 0.0027
30 +0.38499699 1.83841e-07 3 0.0081 0.0027
31 +0.38769699 1.94156e-07 3 0.0081 0.0027
33 +0.37176699 1.69271e-07 4 0.00243 0.00081
34 +0.37257699 1.68446e-07 4 0.00243 0.00081
35 +0.37338699 1.67844e-07 4 0.00243 0.00081
36 +0.37419699 1.67467e-07 4 0.00243 0.00081
37 +0.37500699 1.67314e-07 4 0.00243 0.00081
38 +0.37581699 1.67384e-07 4 0.00243 0.00081
39 +0.37662699 1.67679e-07 4 0.00243 0.00081
41 +0.37427799 1.67442e-07 5 0.000729 0.000243
42 +0.37452099 1.67379e-07 5 0.000729 0.000243
43 +0.37476399 1.67336e-07 5 0.000729 0.000243
44 +0.37500699 1.67314e-07 5 0.000729 0.000243
45 +0.37524999 1.67311e-07 5 0.000729 0.000243
46 +0.37549299 1.67329e-07 5 0.000729 0.000243
47 +0.37573599 1.67367e-07 5 0.000729 0.000243

Runtime 00:03:56 (size 1024)

Runtime 00:09 (size 2048)

STEP 006 (mode = 5): Compute Lyot stops shapes and locations, 2nd pass, 70% throughput

Source code:

1 BEST SOLUTION: 30.006465758591 / 50.010776264318 0.000000319995 / 0.000021330725 -> 0.602147984170 0.001772430096
2 BEST SOLUTION: 31.006681283877 / 50.010776264318 0.000000319995 / 0.000021330725 -> 0.601618355971 0.001755040537
3 BEST SOLUTION: 32.006896809163 / 50.010776264318 0.000000319995 / 0.000021330725 -> 0.601141999997 0.001739932914
4 BEST SOLUTION: 33.007112334450 / 50.010776264318 0.000000319995 / 0.000021330725 -> 0.600760087273 0.001728177742
5 BEST SOLUTION: 34.007327859736 / 50.010776264318 0.000000319995 / 0.000021330725 -> 0.600397821167 0.001717338698
6 BEST SOLUTION: 44.009483112599 / 50.010776264318 0.000000383994 / 0.000021330725 -> 0.602141259615 0.001712595775
7 BEST SOLUTION: 45.009698637886 / 50.010776264318 0.000000383994 / 0.000021330725 -> 0.601238947002 0.001692309270
8 BEST SOLUTION: 46.009914163172 / 50.010776264318 0.000000383994 / 0.000021330725 -> 0.600243611414 0.001670430013

Runtime 00:02:50 (size 1024)

Runtime 00:19:– (size 2048)

STEP 007 (mode = 40): Tune PIAA shapes and focal plane mask transm, 10 cosine modes, 5 Fourier modes

Progress can be tracked by watching file :

1 tail -f linoptval.txt

The file shows contrast value improving. Lines starting with '##' are evaluations along lines of steepest gradient, and lines starting with # are computations of local derivatives.

Last lines of file linoptval.txt:

1 ## [ 7 / 20 ] 1.000 0.046011 2.78809e-08 (reg = 5.68825e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 2.21926e-08) [0] [31] bestval = 2.74617e-08
2 ## [ 7 / 20 ] 1.000 0.056413 2.78643e-08 (reg = 5.69589e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 2.21684e-08) [0] [31] bestval = 2.74617e-08
3 ## [ 7 / 20 ] 1.000 0.068895 2.78449e-08 (reg = 5.70507e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 2.21398e-08) [0] [31] bestval = 2.74617e-08
4 ## [ 7 / 20 ] 1.000 0.083874 2.78232e-08 (reg = 5.7161e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 2.21071e-08) [0] [31] bestval = 2.74617e-08
5 ## [ 7 / 20 ] 1.000 0.101849 2.77964e-08 (reg = 5.72934e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 2.20671e-08) [0] [31] bestval = 2.74617e-08
6 ## [ 7 / 20 ] 1.000 0.123419 2.77655e-08 (reg = 5.74525e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 2.20203e-08) [0] [31] bestval = 2.74617e-08
7 ## [ 7 / 20 ] 1.000 0.149303 2.77303e-08 (reg = 5.76437e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 2.19659e-08) [0] [31] bestval = 2.74617e-08
8 ## [ 7 / 20 ] 1.000 0.180363 2.76929e-08 (reg = 5.78736e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 2.19055e-08) [0] [31] bestval = 2.74617e-08
9 ## [ 7 / 20 ] 1.000 0.217636 2.76508e-08 (reg = 5.81502e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 2.18358e-08) [0] [31] bestval = 2.74617e-08
10 ## [ 7 / 20 ] 1.000 0.262363 2.76037e-08 (reg = 5.84828e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 2.17553e-08) [0] [31] bestval = 2.74617e-08
11 ## [ 7 / 20 ] 1.000 0.316036 2.75583e-08 (reg = 5.88834e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 2.16699e-08) [0] [31] bestval = 2.74617e-08
12 ## [ 7 / 20 ] 1.000 0.380443 2.75127e-08 (reg = 5.93659e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 2.15761e-08) [0] [31] bestval = 2.74617e-08
13 ## [ 7 / 20 ] 1.000 0.457732 2.74739e-08 (reg = 5.99475e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 2.14791e-08) [0] [31] bestval = 2.74617e-08
14 ## [ 7 / 20 ] 1.000 0.550478 2.74509e-08 (reg = 6.06494e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 2.13859e-08) [0] [31] -> BEST VECTOR =======
15 ## [ 7 / 20 ] 1.000 0.661774 2.74541e-08 (reg = 6.14971e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 2.13043e-08) [0] [31] bestval = 2.74509e-08
16 -> 7 2.74509e-08 <- 2.14234e-07

Runtime 01:11:45 (size 1024)

Runtime 02:20:– (size 2048)

STEP 008 (mode = 40): Tune PIAA shapes and focal plane mask transm, 20 cosine modes, 20 Fourier modes

Progress can be tracked by watching file :

1 tail -f linoptval.txt

Last lines of file linoptval.txt:

1 ## [ 3 / 1000 ] 0.600 0.002400 1.41799e-08 (reg = 7.6046e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 6.57528e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.41792e-08
2 ## [ 3 / 1000 ] 0.800 0.001000 1.41798e-08 (reg = 7.60463e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 6.57515e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.41792e-08
3 ## [ 3 / 1000 ] 0.800 0.002400 1.41796e-08 (reg = 7.60488e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 6.57471e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.41792e-08
4 ## [ 3 / 1000 ] 0.800 0.004080 1.41791e-08 (reg = 7.60517e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 6.57389e-09) [0] [81] -> BEST VECTOR =======
5 ## [ 3 / 1000 ] 0.800 0.006096 1.41793e-08 (reg = 7.60552e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 6.57372e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.41791e-08
6 ## [ 3 / 1000 ] 1.000 0.001000 1.418e-08 (reg = 7.60475e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 6.57521e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.41791e-08
7 ## [ 3 / 1000 ] 1.000 0.002400 1.41794e-08 (reg = 7.60516e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 6.57427e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.41791e-08
8 ## [ 3 / 1000 ] 1.000 0.004080 1.4179e-08 (reg = 7.60565e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 6.57337e-09) [0] [81] -> BEST VECTOR =======
9 ## [ 3 / 1000 ] 1.000 0.006096 1.41796e-08 (reg = 7.60623e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 6.57337e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.4179e-08
10 -> 3 1.4179e-08 <- 2.74509e-08

Runtime 00:34:35 (size 1024)

Runtime 04:38:– (size 2048)

STEP 009 (mode = 5): Compute Lyot stops shapes and locations, 2nd pass, 70% throughput

1 BEST SOLUTION: 0.000000000000 / 22.411085518079 0.000000642797 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.654580018549 0.003217549471
2 BEST SOLUTION: 4.482217103616 / 22.411085518079 0.000000642797 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.654559468105 0.003212765094
3 BEST SOLUTION: 4.930438813977 / 22.411085518079 0.000000642797 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.654514836838 0.003203476539
4 BEST SOLUTION: 5.378660524339 / 22.411085518079 0.000000642797 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.654457119322 0.003192321029
5 BEST SOLUTION: 5.826882234700 / 22.411085518079 0.000000642797 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.654421840552 0.003186018405
6 BEST SOLUTION: 6.275103945062 / 22.411085518079 0.000000642797 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.654381291083 0.003179298807
7 BEST SOLUTION: 6.723325655424 / 22.411085518079 0.000000642797 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.654282076189 0.003164067279
8 BEST SOLUTION: 7.171547365785 / 22.411085518079 0.000000642797 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.654214540383 0.003154407998
9 BEST SOLUTION: 7.619769076147 / 22.411085518079 0.000000642797 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.654100992460 0.003139033972
10 BEST SOLUTION: 8.067990786508 / 22.411085518079 0.000000642797 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.654018192997 0.003128464132
11 BEST SOLUTION: 8.516212496870 / 22.411085518079 0.000000642797 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.653877197371 0.003111544800
12 BEST SOLUTION: 8.964434207231 / 22.411085518079 0.000000642797 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.653767183605 0.003098887074
13 BEST SOLUTION: 9.412655917593 / 22.411085518079 0.000000642797 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.653635689943 0.003084587083
14 BEST SOLUTION: 9.860877627955 / 22.411085518079 0.000000642797 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.653461347660 0.003066496777
15 BEST SOLUTION: 10.309099338316 / 22.411085518079 0.000000642797 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.653316127525 0.003052160309
16 BEST SOLUTION: 10.757321048678 / 22.411085518079 0.000000642797 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.653059187548 0.003027656847
17 BEST SOLUTION: 11.205542759039 / 22.411085518079 0.000000642797 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.652798175033 0.003003926502
18 BEST SOLUTION: 11.653764469401 / 22.411085518079 0.000000642797 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.652556795472 0.002982867822
19 BEST SOLUTION: 12.101986179762 / 22.411085518079 0.000000642797 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.652348492130 0.002965292945
20 BEST SOLUTION: 12.550207890124 / 22.411085518079 0.000000642797 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.652048657232 0.002940968576
21 BEST SOLUTION: 12.998429600486 / 22.411085518079 0.000000642797 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.651596715831 0.002905644761
22 BEST SOLUTION: 13.446651310847 / 22.411085518079 0.000000642797 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.651116702176 0.002869351600
23 BEST SOLUTION: 13.894873021209 / 22.411085518079 0.000000642797 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.650737856102 0.002841584172
24 BEST SOLUTION: 14.343094731570 / 22.411085518079 0.000000642797 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.650347660667 0.002813970087
25 BEST SOLUTION: 14.791316441932 / 22.411085518079 0.000000642797 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.650006287003 0.002790509936
26 BEST SOLUTION: 20.618198676632 / 22.411085518079 0.000000771357 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.653227445945 0.002786372082
27 BEST SOLUTION: 21.066420386994 / 22.411085518079 0.000000771357 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.652015770540 0.002728302947
28 BEST SOLUTION: 21.514642097355 / 22.411085518079 0.000000771357 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.651040104043 0.002682478046
29 BEST SOLUTION: 23.307528938802 / 22.411085518079 0.000000925628 / 0.000020663874 -> 0.650876386774 0.002653676594

Runtime 00:02:44 (size 1024)

Runtime 00:23:– (size 2048)

STEP 010 (mode = 1): Tune Lyot stops conjugations

To view result:

1 tail -f result_LMpos.log


1 -3.059896 2.61744e-06
2 -2.459896 1.93909e-06
3 -1.859896 1.3068e-06
4 -1.259896 7.31229e-07
5 -0.659896 2.27333e-07
6 -0.059896 7.75573e-09
7 0.540104 2.56943e-07
8 1.140104 7.75529e-07
9 1.740104 1.42284e-06
10 2.340104 2.10727e-06
12 -0.959896 4.65961e-07
13 -0.659896 2.27333e-07
14 -0.359896 8.27041e-08
15 -0.059896 7.75573e-09
16 0.240104 9.46098e-08
17 0.540104 2.56943e-07
18 0.840104 4.87981e-07
20 -0.329896 6.78089e-08
21 -0.239896 3.03972e-08
22 -0.149896 1.15237e-08
23 -0.059896 7.75573e-09
24 0.030104 1.16957e-08
25 0.120104 2.55954e-08
26 0.210104 7.44832e-08
28 -0.140896 1.07657e-08
29 -0.113896 9.08773e-09
30 -0.086896 8.00901e-09
31 -0.059896 7.75573e-09
32 -0.032896 8.53905e-09
33 -0.005896 9.88908e-09
1 TOTAL = 0.002857
2  FLUX 0 103004.0000 1.000000
3  FLUX 1 103004.0000 1.000000
4  FLUX 2 103003.9828 1.000000
5  FLUX 3 103003.9639 1.000000
6  FLUX 4 103003.9360 0.999999
7  FLUX 5 103003.6270 0.999996
8  FLUX 6 34709.3163 0.336971
9  FLUX 7 308.9348 0.002999
10  FLUX 8 294.2806 0.002857
11 COMPUTING UNRESOLVED SOURCE PSF -*- [0.000000 x 0.000000]
12 SCORINGTOTAL = 2436.000000 2436.000000
13 Peak constrast (rough estimate)= 4750.5 -> 4.47746e-07
14 optsyst[0].flux[0] = 103004
16 [0] Total light in scoring field = 255588, peak PSF = -1, SCOTINGTOTAL = 2436 -> Average contrast = 9.88908e-09
17 BEST SOLUTION : -0.059896 7.75573e-09

Runtime 00:00:54 (size 1024)

Runtime 00:08:– (size 2048)

STEP 011 (mode = 40): Tune PIAA shapes and focal plane mask transm, 20 cosine modes, 20 Fourier modes

To view result:

1 tail -f result_LMpos.log


1 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 0.000 0.001000 1.44695e-08 (reg = 7.71092e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 6.75855e-09) [0] [81] ===== START POINT =====
2 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 0.000 0.002400 1.44694e-08 (reg = 7.71092e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 6.75851e-09) [0] [81] -> BEST VECTOR =======
3 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 0.000 0.004080 1.44695e-08 (reg = 7.71092e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 6.75859e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.44694e-08
4 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 0.200 0.001000 1.44696e-08 (reg = 7.71092e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 6.75864e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.44694e-08
5 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 0.200 0.002400 1.44696e-08 (reg = 7.71092e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 6.75864e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.44694e-08
6 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 0.400 0.001000 1.44696e-08 (reg = 7.71092e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 6.75866e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.44694e-08
7 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 0.400 0.002400 1.44695e-08 (reg = 7.71092e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 6.75852e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.44694e-08
8 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 0.400 0.004080 1.44695e-08 (reg = 7.71092e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 6.75855e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.44694e-08
9 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 0.600 0.001000 1.44696e-08 (reg = 7.71093e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 6.75864e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.44694e-08
10 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 0.600 0.002400 1.44696e-08 (reg = 7.71096e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 6.75863e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.44694e-08
11 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 0.800 0.001000 1.44695e-08 (reg = 7.71096e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 6.75856e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.44694e-08
12 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 0.800 0.002400 1.44701e-08 (reg = 7.71104e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 6.75903e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.44694e-08
13 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 1.000 0.001000 1.44698e-08 (reg = 7.71099e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 6.75881e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.44694e-08
14 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 1.000 0.002400 1.44703e-08 (reg = 7.7111e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 6.75918e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.44694e-08
15 -> 3 1.44694e-08 <- 1.53614e-08
1 TOTAL = 0.002730
2  FLUX 0 103004.0000 1.000000
3  FLUX 1 103004.0000 1.000000
4  FLUX 2 103003.9828 1.000000
5  FLUX 3 103003.9639 1.000000
6  FLUX 4 103003.9359 0.999999
7  FLUX 5 103003.6261 0.999996
8  FLUX 6 34717.4800 0.337050
9  FLUX 7 298.1019 0.002894
10  FLUX 8 281.2208 0.002730
11 COMPUTING UNRESOLVED SOURCE PSF -*- [0.000000 x 0.000000]
12 SCORINGTOTAL = 2436.000000 2436.000000
13 Peak constrast (rough estimate)= 3113.01 -> 2.93408e-07
14 optsyst[0].flux[0] = 103004
16 [0] Total light in scoring field = 174677, peak PSF = -1, SCOTINGTOTAL = 2436 -> Average contrast = 6.75851e-09

Runtime 00:37:29 (size 1024)

Runtime 03:19:00 (size 2048)

STEP 012 (mode = 40): Tune PIAA shapes and focal plane mask transm, 40 cosine modes, 150 Fourier modes

To view result:

1 tail -f result_LMpos.log


1 ## [ 3 / 10 ] 0.000 0.001000 1.20892e-08 (reg = 7.67807e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 4.41108e-09) [0] [281] ===== START POINT =====
2 ## [ 3 / 10 ] 0.000 0.002400 1.20892e-08 (reg = 7.67807e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 4.41106e-09) [0] [281] -> BEST VECTOR =======
3 ## [ 3 / 10 ] 0.000 0.004080 1.20892e-08 (reg = 7.67807e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 4.41106e-09) [0] [281] bestval = 1.20892e-08
4 ## [ 3 / 10 ] 0.200 0.001000 1.20892e-08 (reg = 7.67807e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 4.41112e-09) [0] [281] bestval = 1.20892e-08
5 ## [ 3 / 10 ] 0.200 0.002400 1.20892e-08 (reg = 7.67807e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 4.4111e-09) [0] [281] bestval = 1.20892e-08
6 ## [ 3 / 10 ] 0.200 0.004080 1.20892e-08 (reg = 7.67807e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 4.41107e-09) [0] [281] bestval = 1.20892e-08
7 ## [ 3 / 10 ] 0.200 0.006096 1.20891e-08 (reg = 7.67807e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 4.41103e-09) [0] [281] -> BEST VECTOR =======
8 ## [ 3 / 10 ] 0.200 0.008515 1.20891e-08 (reg = 7.67807e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 4.41105e-09) [0] [281] bestval = 1.20891e-08
9 ## [ 3 / 10 ] 0.400 0.001000 1.20892e-08 (reg = 7.67807e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 4.41109e-09) [0] [281] bestval = 1.20891e-08
10 ## [ 3 / 10 ] 0.400 0.002400 1.20892e-08 (reg = 7.67807e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 4.41107e-09) [0] [281] bestval = 1.20891e-08
11 ## [ 3 / 10 ] 0.400 0.004080 1.20892e-08 (reg = 7.67807e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 4.41107e-09) [0] [281] bestval = 1.20891e-08
12 ## [ 3 / 10 ] 0.600 0.001000 1.20894e-08 (reg = 7.67806e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 4.41128e-09) [0] [281] bestval = 1.20891e-08
13 ## [ 3 / 10 ] 0.600 0.002400 1.20891e-08 (reg = 7.67805e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 4.41104e-09) [0] [281] -> BEST VECTOR =======
14 ## [ 3 / 10 ] 0.600 0.004080 1.20892e-08 (reg = 7.67803e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 4.41113e-09) [0] [281] bestval = 1.20891e-08
15 ## [ 3 / 10 ] 0.800 0.001000 1.20891e-08 (reg = 7.67805e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 4.41107e-09) [0] [281] bestval = 1.20891e-08
16 ## [ 3 / 10 ] 0.800 0.002400 1.2089e-08 (reg = 7.67801e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 4.41097e-09) [0] [281] -> BEST VECTOR =======
17 ## [ 3 / 10 ] 0.800 0.004080 1.20893e-08 (reg = 7.67796e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 4.41131e-09) [0] [281] bestval = 1.2089e-08
18 ## [ 3 / 10 ] 1.000 0.001000 1.20891e-08 (reg = 7.67802e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 4.4111e-09) [0] [281] bestval = 1.2089e-08
19 ## [ 3 / 10 ] 1.000 0.002400 1.20893e-08 (reg = 7.67796e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 4.41135e-09) [0] [281] bestval = 1.2089e-08
20 -> 3 1.2089e-08 <- 1.44694e-08
1 TOTAL = 0.002739
2  FLUX 0 103004.0000 1.000000
3  FLUX 1 103004.0000 1.000000
4  FLUX 2 103003.9828 1.000000
5  FLUX 3 103003.9639 1.000000
6  FLUX 4 103003.9361 0.999999
7  FLUX 5 103003.6283 0.999996
8  FLUX 6 34705.9637 0.336938
9  FLUX 7 299.4217 0.002907
10  FLUX 8 282.1562 0.002739
11 COMPUTING UNRESOLVED SOURCE PSF -*- [0.000000 x 0.000000]
12 SCORINGTOTAL = 2436.000000 2436.000000
13 Peak constrast (rough estimate)= 806.251 -> 7.5991e-08
14 optsyst[0].flux[0] = 103004
16 [0] Total light in scoring field = 114004, peak PSF = -1, SCOTINGTOTAL = 2436 -> Average contrast = 4.41097e-09

Runtime 01:31:26 (size 1024)

Runtime – (size 2048)

STEP 013 (mode = 5): Compute Lyot stops shapes and locations, 3nd pass, 70% throughput

1 BEST SOLUTION: 9.601575812043 / 15.002462206317 0.000001111027 / 0.000020668962 -> 0.704840156107 0.005970769686
2 BEST SOLUTION: 9.901625056169 / 15.002462206317 0.000001111027 / 0.000020668962 -> 0.704051224148 0.005889714915
3 BEST SOLUTION: 10.201674300296 / 15.002462206317 0.000001111027 / 0.000020668962 -> 0.703399562778 0.005824872470
4 BEST SOLUTION: 10.501723544422 / 15.002462206317 0.000001111027 / 0.000020668962 -> 0.702606826377 0.005748303532
5 BEST SOLUTION: 10.801772788548 / 15.002462206317 0.000001111027 / 0.000020668962 -> 0.701929916566 0.005684742522
6 BEST SOLUTION: 11.101822032675 / 15.002462206317 0.000001111027 / 0.000020668962 -> 0.701368943834 0.005633479310
7 BEST SOLUTION: 11.401871276801 / 15.002462206317 0.000001111027 / 0.000020668962 -> 0.700809895288 0.005583827596
8 BEST SOLUTION: 11.701920520927 / 15.002462206317 0.000001111027 / 0.000020668962 -> 0.700082557238 0.005520894724
9 BEST SOLUTION: 14.402363718064 / 15.002462206317 0.000001333232 / 0.000020668962 -> 0.700753966114 0.005407358350

Runtime 00:03:23 (size 1024)

STEP 014 (mode = 1): Tune Lyot stops conjugations

1 TOTAL = 0.003362
2  FLUX 0 103004.0000 1.000000
3  FLUX 1 103004.0000 1.000000
4  FLUX 2 103003.9828 1.000000
5  FLUX 3 103003.9639 1.000000
6  FLUX 4 103003.9361 0.999999
7  FLUX 5 103003.6283 0.999996
8  FLUX 6 34705.9637 0.336938
9  FLUX 7 371.9539 0.003611
10  FLUX 8 346.3072 0.003362
11 COMPUTING UNRESOLVED SOURCE PSF -*- [0.000000 x 0.000000]
12 SCORINGTOTAL = 2436.000000 2436.000000
13 Peak constrast (rough estimate)= 2900.95 -> 2.73421e-07
14 optsyst[0].flux[0] = 103004
16 [0] Total light in scoring field = 582659, peak PSF = -1, SCOTINGTOTAL = 2436 -> Average contrast = 2.25439e-08

Runtime 00:01:16 (size 1024)

STEP 015 (mode = 40): tune PIAA shapes and focal plane mask transm, 20 cosine modes, 20 Fourier modes

To view result:

1 tail -f result_LMpos.log


1 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 0.000 0.001000 1.57523e-08 (reg = 7.8125e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 7.93981e-09) [0] [81] ===== START POINT =====
2 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 0.000 0.002400 1.57524e-08 (reg = 7.8125e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 7.93983e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.57523e-08
3 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 0.200 0.001000 1.57523e-08 (reg = 7.8125e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 7.9398e-09) [0] [81] -> BEST VECTOR =======
4 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 0.200 0.002400 1.57523e-08 (reg = 7.8125e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 7.93982e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.57523e-08
5 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 0.400 0.001000 1.57523e-08 (reg = 7.8125e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 7.93978e-09) [0] [81] -> BEST VECTOR =======
6 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 0.400 0.002400 1.57523e-08 (reg = 7.8125e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 7.93982e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.57523e-08
7 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 0.600 0.001000 1.57527e-08 (reg = 7.8125e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 7.94014e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.57523e-08
8 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 0.600 0.002400 1.57527e-08 (reg = 7.81252e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 7.94012e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.57523e-08
9 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 0.600 0.004080 1.57528e-08 (reg = 7.81254e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 7.94025e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.57523e-08
10 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 0.800 0.001000 1.57527e-08 (reg = 7.81252e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 7.94015e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.57523e-08
11 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 0.800 0.002400 1.57531e-08 (reg = 7.81256e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 7.94051e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.57523e-08
12 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 1.000 0.001000 1.57528e-08 (reg = 7.81254e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 7.94027e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.57523e-08
13 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 1.000 0.002400 1.57524e-08 (reg = 7.81261e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 7.93977e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.57523e-08
14 ## [ 3 / 20 ] 1.000 0.004080 1.5753e-08 (reg = 7.81268e-09 [1] 1.99516e-14 [1] contrast = 7.94025e-09) [0] [81] bestval = 1.57523e-08
15 -> 3 1.57523e-08 <- 1.72109e-08
1 TOTAL = 0.003110
2  FLUX 0 103004.0000 1.000000
3  FLUX 1 103004.0000 1.000000
4  FLUX 2 103003.9828 1.000000
5  FLUX 3 103003.9639 1.000000
6  FLUX 4 103003.9359 0.999999
7  FLUX 5 103003.6294 0.999996
8  FLUX 6 34709.1463 0.336969
9  FLUX 7 348.9913 0.003388
10  FLUX 8 320.3876 0.003110
11 COMPUTING UNRESOLVED SOURCE PSF -*- [0.000000 x 0.000000]
12 SCORINGTOTAL = 2436.000000 2436.000000
13 Peak constrast (rough estimate)= 1003.22 -> 9.45553e-08
14 optsyst[0].flux[0] = 103004
16 [0] Total light in scoring field = 205208, peak PSF = -1, SCOTINGTOTAL = 2436 -> Average contrast = 7.93978e-09

Runtime 00:32:31 (size 1024)

STEP 016 (mode = 40): tune PIAA shapes and focal plane mask transm, 40 cosine modes, 150 Fourier modes

In this example step 17 is skipped by typing:

1 touch piaacmcconf_i000/step016.txt

STEP 017 (mode = 40): tune PIAA shapes and focal plane mask transm, 40 cosine modes, 625 Fourier modes

In this example step 17 is skipped by typing:

1 touch piaacmcconf_i000/step017.txt