Coronagraph Optimization For Fast Exoplanet Exploration

Source code is written in C. The package follows the GNU build process, and uses autotools (autmake, autoconf, libtool).

To compile and install:

autoreconf -i
make install

Compilation options

By default, libraries are dynamically linked.

Full list of compilation options is obtained by :

./configure --help

For high performance (fast execution speed), use :

./configure CFLAGS='-Ofast -march=native' --enable-cuda --enable-magma

MAGMA library

The configure script uses pkg-config to configure magma for linking. The MAGMA-provided pkg-config file (.pc file) must be made visible to pkg-config by running (ideally in .bashrc):

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/magma/lib/pkgconfig